var mi_version = '9.2.4';
var mi_track_user = true;
var mi_no_track_reason = '';
var MonsterInsightsDefaultLocations = {"page_location":"https:\/\/\/category\/design\/"};
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} else {
var MonsterInsightsLocations = (typeof MonsterInsightsExcludeQuery === 'object') ? MonsterInsightsExcludeQuery : MonsterInsightsDefaultLocations;
var disableStrs = [
/* Function to detect opted out users */
function __gtagTrackerIsOptedOut() {
for (var index = 0; index < disableStrs.length; index++) {
if (document.cookie.indexOf(disableStrs[index] + '=true') > -1) {
return true;
return false;
/* Disable tracking if the opt-out cookie exists. */
if (__gtagTrackerIsOptedOut()) {
for (var index = 0; index < disableStrs.length; index++) {
window[disableStrs[index]] = true;
/* Opt-out function */
function __gtagTrackerOptout() {
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if ('undefined' === typeof gaOptout) {
function gaOptout() {
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
window.MonsterInsightsDualTracker = {
helpers: {},
trackers: {},
if (mi_track_user) {
function __gtagDataLayer() {
function __gtagTracker(type, name, parameters) {
if (!parameters) {
parameters = {};
if (parameters.send_to) {
__gtagDataLayer.apply(null, arguments);
if (type === 'event') {
parameters.send_to = monsterinsights_frontend.v4_id;
var hookName = name;
if (typeof parameters['event_category'] !== 'undefined') {
hookName = parameters['event_category'] + ':' + name;
if (typeof MonsterInsightsDualTracker.trackers[hookName] !== 'undefined') {
} else {
__gtagDataLayer('event', name, parameters);
} else {
__gtagDataLayer.apply(null, arguments);
__gtagTracker('js', new Date());
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'developer_id.dZGIzZG': true,
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__gtagTracker('set', MonsterInsightsLocations);
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window.gtag = __gtagTracker; (function () {
/* */
/* ga and __gaTracker compatibility shim. */
var noopfn = function () {
return null;
var newtracker = function () {
return new Tracker();
var Tracker = function () {
return null;
var p = Tracker.prototype;
p.get = noopfn;
p.set = noopfn;
p.send = function () {
var args =;
__gaTracker.apply(null, args);
var __gaTracker = function () {
var len = arguments.length;
if (len === 0) {
var f = arguments[len - 1];
if (typeof f !== 'object' || f === null || typeof f.hitCallback !== 'function') {
if ('send' === arguments[0]) {
var hitConverted, hitObject = false, action;
if ('event' === arguments[1]) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof arguments[3]) {
hitObject = {
'eventAction': arguments[3],
'eventCategory': arguments[2],
'eventLabel': arguments[4],
'value': arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 1,
if ('pageview' === arguments[1]) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof arguments[2]) {
hitObject = {
'eventAction': 'page_view',
'page_path': arguments[2],
if (typeof arguments[2] === 'object') {
hitObject = arguments[2];
if (typeof arguments[5] === 'object') {
Object.assign(hitObject, arguments[5]);
if ('undefined' !== typeof arguments[1].hitType) {
hitObject = arguments[1];
if ('pageview' === hitObject.hitType) {
hitObject.eventAction = 'page_view';
if (hitObject) {
action = 'timing' === arguments[1].hitType ? 'timing_complete' : hitObject.eventAction;
hitConverted = mapArgs(hitObject);
__gtagTracker('event', action, hitConverted);
function mapArgs(args) {
var arg, hit = {};
var gaMap = {
'eventCategory': 'event_category',
'eventAction': 'event_action',
'eventLabel': 'event_label',
'eventValue': 'event_value',
'nonInteraction': 'non_interaction',
'timingCategory': 'event_category',
'timingVar': 'name',
'timingValue': 'value',
'timingLabel': 'event_label',
'page': 'page_path',
'location': 'page_location',
'title': 'page_title',
'referrer' : 'page_referrer',
for (arg in args) {
if (!(!args.hasOwnProperty(arg) || !gaMap.hasOwnProperty(arg))) {
hit[gaMap[arg]] = args[arg];
} else {
hit[arg] = args[arg];
return hit;
try {
} catch (ex) {
__gaTracker.create = newtracker;
__gaTracker.getByName = newtracker;
__gaTracker.getAll = function () {
return [];
__gaTracker.remove = noopfn;
__gaTracker.loaded = true;
window['__gaTracker'] = __gaTracker;
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(function () {
function __gtagTracker() {
return null;
window['__gtagTracker'] = __gtagTracker;
window['gtag'] = __gtagTracker;
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Skip to content
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} )( "team-booking", {"domain":"team-booking","locale_data":{"team-booking":{"":{"domain":"team-booking","plural_forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);","lang":"en_US"},"TheBooking":["TheBooking"],"A booking plugin for WordPress.":["A booking plugin for WordPress."],"VonStroheim":["VonStroheim"],"":[""],"Service":["Service"],"Date":["Date"],"Created":["Created"],"Form field":["Form field"],"TheBooking reservations":["TheBooking reservations"],"Email":["Email"],"First name":["First name"],"Last name":["Last name"],"Address":["Address"],"Phone":["Phone"],"Url":["Url"],"Google":["Google"],"Google Meet link":["Google Meet link"],"Reservation":["Reservation"],"Google Calendar":["Google Calendar"],"In order to use Google Calendar with the plugin, you have to activate and configure a Google Project.":["In order to use Google Calendar with the plugin, you have to activate and configure a Google Project."],"Your authorization was revoked upstream, please disconnect and reconnect!":["Your authorization was revoked upstream, please disconnect and reconnect!"],"Something changed in your Google account (a password reset or similar), please disconnect and reconnect!":["Something changed in your Google account (a password reset or similar), please disconnect and reconnect!"],"Google Calendar API is not configured.":["Google Calendar API is not configured."],"Insufficient permissions, please disconnect, then request the authorization again and ensure to select ALL the checkboxes when asked for permissions!":["Insufficient permissions, please disconnect, then request the authorization again and ensure to select ALL the checkboxes when asked for permissions!"],"Event not created. No destination calendar is found, or the reservation is not confirmed.":["Event not created. No destination calendar is found, or the reservation is not confirmed."],"Event created.":["Event created."],"Access was already revoked manually.":["Access was already revoked manually."],"Allow service providers to use \"slot commands\" to override some service settings directly from Google Calendar events.":["Allow service providers to use \"slot commands\" to override some service settings directly from Google Calendar events."],"If active, service providers are be able to override some general service settings for specific slots, such as the price, by using \"slot commands\" directly in Google Calendar.":["If active, service providers are be able to override some general service settings for specific slots, such as the price, by using \"slot commands\" directly in Google Calendar."],"Administrators are always allowed.":["Administrators are always allowed."],"API App Name":["API App Name"],"Google Cloud Platform console > OAuth Consent screen > Edit App (button) > App name":["Google Cloud Platform console > OAuth Consent screen > Edit App (button) > App name"],"Google API Authorized JS Origin":["Google API Authorized JS Origin"],"Copy/Paste this link in the Authorized JS Origin field of the Google Project":["Copy/Paste this link in the Authorized JS Origin field of the Google Project"],"API Client ID":["API Client ID"],"Google Cloud Platform console > Credentials > Client ID":["Google Cloud Platform console > Credentials > Client ID"],"API Client Secret":["API Client Secret"],"Google Cloud Platform console > Credentials > Client ID > Edit oAuth Client (pencil icon) > Client Secret":["Google Cloud Platform console > Credentials > Client ID > Edit oAuth Client (pencil icon) > Client Secret"],"Google API Redirect URI":["Google API Redirect URI"],"Copy/Paste this link in the Redirect URI field of the Google Project":["Copy/Paste this link in the Redirect URI field of the Google Project"],"Google Calendar refresh delay":["Google Calendar refresh delay"],"If the value is greater than 0, the Google Calendar availability events will be cached for the specified time (in seconds)":["If the value is greater than 0, the Google Calendar availability events will be cached for the specified time (in seconds)"],"If the Google Calendar availability is not changed too often, consider increasing this value to save Google API quota. However, note that events added to Google Calendar will only be detected by the plugin after this interval has passed.":["If the Google Calendar availability is not changed too often, consider increasing this value to save Google API quota. However, note that events added to Google Calendar will only be detected by the plugin after this interval has passed."],"Settings have been saved!":["Settings have been saved!"],"Location added!":["Location added!"],"Location removed!":["Location removed!"],"Locations removed!":["Locations removed!"],"Name":["Name"],"Actions":["Actions"],"General":["General"],"Locations":["Locations"],"Duplicate from %s":["Duplicate from %s"],"To the customer":["To the customer"],"To the admin":["To the admin"],"Personal notifications":["Personal notifications"],"Selected":["Selected"],"Not selected":["Not selected"],"Customer":["Customer"],"Description":["Description"],"Short description":["Short description"],"Start time":["Start time"],"Start date":["Start date"],"End time":["End time"],"End date":["End date"],"Timezone":["Timezone"],"Location (name)":["Location (name)"],"Location (address)":["Location (address)"],"Duration":["Duration"],"Price":["Price"],"Tickets":["Tickets"],"Cancellation reason":["Cancellation reason"],"Id":["Id"],"Provider":["Provider"],"Start time (old)":["Start time (old)"],"Start date (old)":["Start date (old)"],"End time (old)":["End time (old)"],"End date (old)":["End date (old)"],"Duration (old)":["Duration (old)"],"Form":["Form"],"Service provider not found.":["Service provider not found."],"Translations":["Translations"],"Update WPML translations":["Update WPML translations"],"Update":["Update"],"Regenerate existing strings data for WPML":["Regenerate existing strings data for WPML"],"Zoom Join Meeting link":["Zoom Join Meeting link"],"Zoom Start Meeting link":["Zoom Start Meeting link"],"Meeting with %s":["Meeting with %s"],"Zoom":["Zoom"],"Refer to the plugin documentation to know hot to get your API keys.":["Refer to the plugin documentation to know hot to get your API keys."],"Zoom Account Id":["Zoom Account Id"],"Zoom API key":["Zoom API key"],"Zoom API secret":["Zoom API secret"],"Zoom JWT API key (deprecated)":["Zoom JWT API key (deprecated)"],"Zoom JWT API secret (deprecated)":["Zoom JWT API secret (deprecated)"],"All day":["All day"],"TheBooking widget":["TheBooking widget"],"Configuration":["Configuration"],"Widget type":["Widget type"],"Monthly calendar":["Monthly calendar"],"Upcoming events":["Upcoming events"],"Unscheduled services":["Unscheduled services"],"Reservations list (logged users only)":["Reservations list (logged users only)"],"Displayed events":["Displayed events"],"The number of upcoming events that are displayed on the page":["The number of upcoming events that are displayed on the page"],"Show more":["Show more"],"Shows a button to load more events":["Shows a button to load more events"],"Maximum fetched events":["Maximum fetched events"],"Limit the number of maximum events that can be loaded. 0 means no limit.":["Limit the number of maximum events that can be loaded. 0 means no limit."],"Restrictions":["Restrictions"],"Restrict services":["Restrict services"],"Restrict providers":["Restrict providers"],"Read-only":["Read-only"],"Logged-only":["Logged-only"],"No payment to refund.":["No payment to refund."],"PayPal API are not configured, refunds are not active.":["PayPal API are not configured, refunds are not active."],"PayPal API connection error.":["PayPal API connection error."],"PayPal refund failed. Reason: %s":["PayPal refund failed. Reason: %s"],"PayPal refund pending. Reason: %s":["PayPal refund pending. Reason: %s"],"from %1$s to %2$s":["from %1$s to %2$s"],"Return to %s":["Return to %s"],"Direct payment":["Direct payment"],"PayPal":["PayPal"],"Done in a currency not held by your PayPal account at the moment of the transaction.":["Done in a currency not held by your PayPal account at the moment of the transaction."],"PayPal Settings":["PayPal Settings"],"Use of either Business or Premium PayPal account is recommended to avoid issues, as you are not supposed to make commercial transactions with a Personal PayPal account.":["Use of either Business or Premium PayPal account is recommended to avoid issues, as you are not supposed to make commercial transactions with a Personal PayPal account."],"Active":["Active"],"Use this payment gateway to accept online payments.":["Use this payment gateway to accept online payments."],"Account email":["Account email"],"Payments will be addressed to this email.":["Payments will be addressed to this email."],"If you are using the Sandbox for testing, ensure to put here an email address generated in the Sandbox instead of your live account, or the payment notifications will fail.":["If you are using the Sandbox for testing, ensure to put here an email address generated in the Sandbox instead of your live account, or the payment notifications will fail."],"Primary email (optional)":["Primary email (optional)"],"Payments will be checked against this email. Use this setting if your PayPal account handles multiple email addresses and the payments are not supposed to go into the primary one.":["Payments will be checked against this email. Use this setting if your PayPal account handles multiple email addresses and the payments are not supposed to go into the primary one."],"Ensure that your primary PayPal email address is correct, otherwise payment notifications will fail.":["Ensure that your primary PayPal email address is correct, otherwise payment notifications will fail."],"Use sandbox":["Use sandbox"],"Activate the sandbox to test payments.":["Activate the sandbox to test payments."],"Redirect URL":["Redirect URL"],"After payment, the customer will be redirected to this URL.":["After payment, the customer will be redirected to this URL."],"Required to enable refunds":["Required to enable refunds"],"API Client ID (test)":["API Client ID (test)"],"API Client Secret (test)":["API Client Secret (test)"],"Debug (IPN)":["Debug (IPN)"],"Activate this setting to dump IPN requests from PayPal in case of issues.":["Activate this setting to dump IPN requests from PayPal in case of issues."],"Stripe gateway is not active.":["Stripe gateway is not active."],"Stripe API error.":["Stripe API error."],"Reservation for %s":["Reservation for %s"],"Card":["Card"],"Stripe":["Stripe"],"Payment error.":["Payment error."],"Stripe Settings":["Stripe Settings"],"Publishable Key":["Publishable Key"],"":[""],"Secret Key":["Secret Key"],"Publishable Key (test)":["Publishable Key (test)"],"Used to test payments":["Used to test payments"],"Secret Key (test)":["Secret Key (test)"],"Send receipt to the customer":["Send receipt to the customer"],"The customer email provided in the reservation form will be used":["The customer email provided in the reservation form will be used"],"IDEAL support":["IDEAL support"],"Activate this option if you want to use IDEAL":["Activate this option if you want to use IDEAL"],"Load Stripe.js library":["Load Stripe.js library"],"Deactivate this option only if another plugin is loading the same library":["Deactivate this option only if another plugin is loading the same library"],"Stripe webhook URL":["Stripe webhook URL"],"This is the URL where Stripe notifies the payments. It must be equal to %s, otherwise go in your Stripe account dashboard and change the URL.":["This is the URL where Stripe notifies the payments. It must be equal to %s, otherwise go in your Stripe account dashboard and change the URL."],"Booking tools":["Booking tools"],"Please navigate in the preview to a page where the booking calendar resides.":["Please navigate in the preview to a page where the booking calendar resides."],"Style & Colors":["Style & Colors"],"Maps":["Maps"],"Behaviour":["Behaviour"],"Dashboard":["Dashboard"],"Working hours":["Working hours"],"Your slots":["Your slots"],"All slots":["All slots"],"Availability":["Availability"],"Core":["Core"],"Redirects":["Redirects"],"Roles":["Roles"],"Frontend":["Frontend"],"Style":["Style"],"Frontend can be styled through the customizer":["Frontend can be styled through the customizer"],"Inside the customizer preview window, navigate to a page where the booking calendar resides.":["Inside the customizer preview window, navigate to a page where the booking calendar resides."],"Customize":["Customize"],"Import/Export":["Import/Export"],"Export settings":["Export settings"],"Export the plugin settings in a JSON file. It doesn't export data or user settings.":["Export the plugin settings in a JSON file. It doesn't export data or user settings."],"The exported file can't be imported on different versions of the plugin. This is meant to migrate settings from one environment to one another, not to pass settings through plugin versions which is not needed.":["The exported file can't be imported on different versions of the plugin. This is meant to migrate settings from one environment to one another, not to pass settings through plugin versions which is not needed."],"Import settings":["Import settings"],"Import the plugin settings from a JSON file. It doesn't import data or user settings.":["Import the plugin settings from a JSON file. It doesn't import data or user settings."],"Import/Export data":["Import/Export data"],"Data such as services, reservations, promotions and so on, requires an import/export of the following tables though a proper db migration plugin.":["Data such as services, reservations, promotions and so on, requires an import/export of the following tables though a proper db migration plugin."],"Migrate from version 2.x":["Migrate from version 2.x"],"Migrates the data from old plugin version installed.":["Migrates the data from old plugin version installed."],"Migrate":["Migrate"],"This will overwrite the current plugin data.":["This will overwrite the current plugin data."],"Clean version 2.x data":["Clean version 2.x data"],"Removes data of previous plugin versions.":["Removes data of previous plugin versions."],"Cleanup":["Cleanup"],"In case you migrated the data, please ensure that all is working as expected, before cleaning up 2.x data. This operation cannot be undone.":["In case you migrated the data, please ensure that all is working as expected, before cleaning up 2.x data. This operation cannot be undone."],"Advanced":["Advanced"],"Payment Gateways":["Payment Gateways"],"API":["API"],"API tokens":["API tokens"],"API tokens can be used by 3rd party applications to read/write the plugin data.":["API tokens can be used by 3rd party applications to read/write the plugin data."],"Token":["Token"],"Usages":["Usages"],"API endpoint":["API endpoint"],"A note on API tokens":["A note on API tokens"],"Don't generate tokens if you don't know what you're doing. Read the documentation to explore how the API endpoint works.":["Don't generate tokens if you don't know what you're doing. Read the documentation to explore how the API endpoint works."],"Give tokens only to someone you trust, as they are able to read/write sensitive data.":["Give tokens only to someone you trust, as they are able to read/write sensitive data."],"Google Maps":["Google Maps"],"Google requires the activation of a Google Cloud billing account, in order to use Google Maps in your website.":["Google requires the activation of a Google Cloud billing account, in order to use Google Maps in your website."],"Settings":["Settings"],"Reservations":["Reservations"],"E-mail":["E-mail"],"WP Roles":["WP Roles"],"Providers":["Providers"],"Customers":["Customers"],"Status":["Status"],"Class":["Class"],"Approval":["Approval"],"Cancellation":["Cancellation"],"Payments":["Payments"],"Access":["Access"],"Redirect and conversions":["Redirect and conversions"],"Personal Availability":["Personal Availability"],"Behavior":["Behavior"],"Overlapping":["Overlapping"],"Services":["Services"],"Target services":["Target services"],"Promotions":["Promotions"],"This email address is already registered for a WordPress user.":["This email address is already registered for a WordPress user."],"This email address is already registered for another customer.":["This email address is already registered for another customer."],"This WordPress User does not exist.":["This WordPress User does not exist."],"There are reservations for this customer.":["There are reservations for this customer."],"Customer removed":["Customer removed"],"Certain customers could not be removed due to existing reservations associated with them.":["Certain customers could not be removed due to existing reservations associated with them."],"Please provide a valid email address.":["Please provide a valid email address."],"This WordPress User is already associated with another customer.":["This WordPress User is already associated with another customer."],"Another customer is already registered with this email address.":["Another customer is already registered with this email address."],"Form item added":["Form item added"],"Service form ID not found.":["Service form ID not found."],"Service not found":["Service not found"],"Booking form not found":["Booking form not found"],"Form item removed":["Form item removed"],"Form has been saved":["Form has been saved"],"Refund issued.":["Refund issued."],"Service price not found":["Service price not found"],"Reservation data saved":["Reservation data saved"],"No timeslots!":["No timeslots!"],"File upload failed":["File upload failed"],"Trying to book a service not found.":["Trying to book a service not found."],"Booking of multiple slots at once is not allowed.":["Booking of multiple slots at once is not allowed."],"This service can't be booked by the current user.":["This service can't be booked by the current user."],"Unable to find booking form submission.":["Unable to find booking form submission."],"Unable to find booking form data.":["Unable to find booking form data."],"Invalid customer email address.":["Invalid customer email address."],"No customer email address provided.":["No customer email address provided."],"New customer":["New customer"],"You have already reached the maximum number of reservations for this service.":["You have already reached the maximum number of reservations for this service."],"No available provider for this service.":["No available provider for this service."],"Those time slots are not available anymore, apparently someone else was very fast :(":["Those time slots are not available anymore, apparently someone else was very fast :("],"Trying to book more tickets than they're available.":["Trying to book more tickets than they're available."],"Trying to book more tickets than you're allowed.":["Trying to book more tickets than you're allowed."],"File has been deleted":["File has been deleted"],"Entry has been deleted":["Entry has been deleted"],"Reservation not found.":["Reservation not found."],"Customer not found":["Customer not found"],"Not authorized":["Not authorized"],"Reservation expired":["Reservation expired"],"The current WordPress User is not linked to any customer.":["The current WordPress User is not linked to any customer."],"Defaults restored!":["Defaults restored!"],"Settings imported, reloading page.":["Settings imported, reloading page."],"Data removed!":["Data removed!"],"Data migrated!":["Data migrated!"],"Copy of %s":["Copy of %s"],"Service not found.":["Service not found."],"Provider ID not found.":["Provider ID not found."],"There are reservations for this service.":["There are reservations for this service."],"Some services were not removed because there were reservations in place for them.":["Some services were not removed because there were reservations in place for them."],"Allow multiple slots selection":["Allow multiple slots selection"],"If enabled, customers will be able to extend the reservation duration by selecting consecutive time slots.":["If enabled, customers will be able to extend the reservation duration by selecting consecutive time slots."],"Please refer to the documentation for more information on the implications.":["Please refer to the documentation for more information on the implications."],"WP Roles allowed to manage the plugin":["WP Roles allowed to manage the plugin"],"Select WP User roles that can manage the plugin and providers.":["Select WP User roles that can manage the plugin and providers."],"Administrators are always allowed":["Administrators are always allowed"],"WP Roles allowed to be Service Providers":["WP Roles allowed to be Service Providers"],"Select WP User roles that can provide services.":["Select WP User roles that can provide services."],"Allow customers to download iCal file after booking.":["Allow customers to download iCal file after booking."],"Currency":["Currency"],"Currency format":["Currency format"],"The $ symbol here is taken as example, it does not necessarily reflect the actual currency.":["The $ symbol here is taken as example, it does not necessarily reflect the actual currency."],"Fetch granularity":["Fetch granularity"],"Number of months to query for events in a single API call.":["Number of months to query for events in a single API call."],"Default is 1. Try to raise it if you have sparse events and you want to speed up the loading times, or if you are hitting the limits of Google API usage quota too often.":["Default is 1. Try to raise it if you have sparse events and you want to speed up the loading times, or if you are hitting the limits of Google API usage quota too often."],"Reservation status page":["Reservation status page"],"Select the frontend page where customers can view and manage their reservations.":["Select the frontend page where customers can view and manage their reservations."],"To ensure functionality, the selected page must include the plugin widget in any section.":["To ensure functionality, the selected page must include the plugin widget in any section."],"No page selected":["No page selected"],"Frontend Timezone":["Frontend Timezone"],"Select your preferred timezone for displaying date and times in the frontend. By default, date and times are displayed in customer's local timezone.":["Select your preferred timezone for displaying date and times in the frontend. By default, date and times are displayed in customer's local timezone."],"Google Maps API key":["Google Maps API key"],"If you don't already have a Google Maps API key, please refer to the documentation for instructions on how to obtain one.":["If you don't already have a Google Maps API key, please refer to the documentation for instructions on how to obtain one."],"Load the calendar on the nearest date with available slots":["Load the calendar on the nearest date with available slots"],"If enabled, the frontend calendar will load on the nearest date that has at least one available slot.":["If enabled, the frontend calendar will load on the nearest date that has at least one available slot."],"Enabling this option may result in slower page loading.":["Enabling this option may result in slower page loading."],"Use Google Places for address autocomplete":["Use Google Places for address autocomplete"],"Enable this setting if you want the Address field in the reservation form to be automatically completed using Google Places":["Enable this setting if you want the Address field in the reservation form to be automatically completed using Google Places"],"Please note that this may have a significant impact on your Google Cloud usage billing.":["Please note that this may have a significant impact on your Google Cloud usage billing."],"Login URL":["Login URL"],"When attempting to book a service for logged-in users only, customers will be prompted to log in at this page.":["When attempting to book a service for logged-in users only, customers will be prompted to log in at this page."],"Leave it empty to use the WordPress default behaviour.":["Leave it empty to use the WordPress default behaviour."],"Pending payment expiration time":["Pending payment expiration time"],"The customer must complete the online payment within this specified time frame.":["The customer must complete the online payment within this specified time frame."],"%d minute":["%d minute","%d minutes"],"%d hour":["%d hour","%d hours"],"It is not recommended to set a very short time as there could be delays in the acknowledgment of the payment by your web server for various reasons.":["It is not recommended to set a very short time as there could be delays in the acknowledgment of the payment by your web server for various reasons."],"Pre-populate booking form":["Pre-populate booking form"],"Controls if the booking form fields should be pre-populated with available data for logged-in customers.":["Controls if the booking form fields should be pre-populated with available data for logged-in customers."],"Each form field should be instructed where to fetch data through a proper meta-key configuration.":["Each form field should be instructed where to fetch data through a proper meta-key configuration."],"Price decimals":["Price decimals"],"The decimal separator here is taken as example, it does not necessarily reflect the actual separator.":["The decimal separator here is taken as example, it does not necessarily reflect the actual separator."],"Price format":["Price format"],"The number of decimals here are taken as example, they does not necessarily reflect the actual number of decimals.":["The number of decimals here are taken as example, they does not necessarily reflect the actual number of decimals."],"Coupon configuration":["Coupon configuration"],"If set to \"fixed\", the coupon text will be the same as the promotion name. Alternatively, you can enter a list of single-use coupons, separated by commas. Please refer to the documentation for more information on coupon configuration.":["If set to \"fixed\", the coupon text will be the same as the promotion name. Alternatively, you can enter a list of single-use coupons, separated by commas. Please refer to the documentation for more information on coupon configuration."],"Fixed":["Fixed"],"List":["List"],"Discount type":["Discount type"],"Percentage (%)":["Percentage (%)"],"Fixed amount":["Fixed amount"],"Global discount usage limit":["Global discount usage limit"],"Specify the maximum number of times the discount can be used globally across all reservations. Enter 0 for no limit.":["Specify the maximum number of times the discount can be used globally across all reservations. Enter 0 for no limit."],"Please enter the name of the promotion.":["Please enter the name of the promotion."],"Promotion duration":["Promotion duration"],"The promotion will be valid within the specified date range.":["The promotion will be valid within the specified date range."],"Services to target":["Services to target"],"Select the services eligible for this promotion.":["Select the services eligible for this promotion."],"Promotion type":["Promotion type"],"Campaign":["Campaign"],"Coupon":["Coupon"],"Maximum end date for time slots":["Maximum end date for time slots"],"The promotion is valid for time slots that end on or before this date.":["The promotion is valid for time slots that end on or before this date."],"Time slot end date condition":["Time slot end date condition"],"The promotion will be applied conditionally based on the time slot end date.":["The promotion will be applied conditionally based on the time slot end date."],"Minimum start date for time slots":["Minimum start date for time slots"],"The promotion is valid for time slots that start on or after this date.":["The promotion is valid for time slots that start on or after this date."],"Time slot start date condition":["Time slot start date condition"],"The promotion will be applied conditionally based on the time slot start date.":["The promotion will be applied conditionally based on the time slot start date."],"Discount value":["Discount value"],"The discount will be applied to the base price of the service.":["The discount will be applied to the base price of the service."],"Allowed services":["Allowed services"],"Select the services to which this provider is restricted.":["Select the services to which this provider is restricted."],"If you want to assign this service provider to specific services, activate this setting.":["If you want to assign this service provider to specific services, activate this setting."],"Please note that if this setting is active, new services will not be automatically assigned to this provider.":["Please note that if this setting is active, new services will not be automatically assigned to this provider."],"Registration URL":["Registration URL"],"When attempting to book a service for logged-in users only, customers will be prompted to register at this page.":["When attempting to book a service for logged-in users only, customers will be prompted to register at this page."],"Leave it empty to use the WordPress default behavior":["Leave it empty to use the WordPress default behavior"],"Sender email":["Sender email"],"Please provide the email address that will be used as the sender of notifications from the system. If left empty or invalid, the admin email address of the WordPress website will be used instead.":["Please provide the email address that will be used as the sender of notifications from the system. If left empty or invalid, the admin email address of the WordPress website will be used instead."],"Make sure that the email address you provide belongs to the domain of your mail server. Emails sent from unrecognized domains may be blocked by the recipient's email service.":["Make sure that the email address you provide belongs to the domain of your mail server. Emails sent from unrecognized domains may be blocked by the recipient's email service."],"Who can make a reservation":["Who can make a reservation"],"If \"Logged user only\" is selected, a notice with a link to the registration page will be displayed. The default link can be changed in the \"Settings\" section.":["If \"Logged user only\" is selected, a notice with a link to the registration page will be displayed. The default link can be changed in the \"Settings\" section."],"Everyone":["Everyone"],"Logged users only":["Logged users only"],"Nobody (read-only)":["Nobody (read-only)"],"Allow customers to cancel a reservation":["Allow customers to cancel a reservation"],"Customers will be able to cancel their reservations for this service either by using the cancellation link in the email (if provided) or by visiting the page where a reservation status widget is placed (in which case they must be logged in).":["Customers will be able to cancel their reservations for this service either by using the cancellation link in the email (if provided) or by visiting the page where a reservation status widget is placed (in which case they must be logged in)."],"Approval requirement":["Approval requirement"],"If enabled, no actions such as sending confirmation emails or updating Google Calendar will be performed until the reservation is approved.":["If enabled, no actions such as sending confirmation emails or updating Google Calendar will be performed until the reservation is approved."],"Don't require approval":["Don't require approval"],"Require Admin approval":["Require Admin approval"],"Require Provider approval":["Require Provider approval"],"Service provider assignment rule":["Service provider assignment rule"],"In case of multiple service providers, you can specify the assignment rule that the plugin should follow after each reservation.":["In case of multiple service providers, you can specify the assignment rule that the plugin should follow after each reservation."],"Equal":["Equal"],"A new reservation will be assigned to the service provider with the fewest number of reservations already assigned to them, based on the reservations stored in the database.":["A new reservation will be assigned to the service provider with the fewest number of reservations already assigned to them, based on the reservations stored in the database."],"Direct":["Direct"],"Always assign the reservation to a specific service provider.":["Always assign the reservation to a specific service provider."],"Random":["Random"],"A random provider will be selected for the assignment.":["A random provider will be selected for the assignment."],"Block after one reservation":["Block after one reservation"],"Even if a single reservation does not reach the maximum number of available tickets for the time slot(s), activating this setting will prevent other reservations from being made for the same time slot(s).":["Even if a single reservation does not reach the maximum number of available tickets for the time slot(s), activating this setting will prevent other reservations from being made for the same time slot(s)."],"Send cancellation email":["Send cancellation email"],"An email notification is sent to the admin after a booking is cancelled":["An email notification is sent to the admin after a booking is cancelled"],"Recipients administrators":["Recipients administrators"],"Reservation cancelled":["Reservation cancelled"],"A reservation was cancelled.":["A reservation was cancelled."],"An email notification is sent to the customer after a booking is cancelled":["An email notification is sent to the customer after a booking is cancelled"],"Specify the email address that should appear as the sender.":["Specify the email address that should appear as the sender."],"Administrator":["Administrator"],"The email address is taken from Settings > General > Sender email. The sender name will be the site title as set in WordPress > General.":["The email address is taken from Settings > General > Sender email. The sender name will be the site title as set in WordPress > General."],"Service Provider":["Service Provider"],"Email address and name as set in the WordPress user profile of the service provider":["Email address and name as set in the WordPress user profile of the service provider"],"Your reservation was cancelled.":["Your reservation was cancelled."],"Allow customers to provide a reason when canceling a reservation.":["Allow customers to provide a reason when canceling a reservation."],"Cancellation timespan":["Cancellation timespan"],"Customers are not able to cancel their reservations when the start date and time are within this specified timespan.":["Customers are not able to cancel their reservations when the start date and time are within this specified timespan."],"Color":["Color"],"Select the color for the service.":["Select the color for the service."],"Send confirmation email":["Send confirmation email"],"An email notification will be sent to the admin after a booking is made.":["An email notification will be sent to the admin after a booking is made."],"Include uploaded files as attachments":["Include uploaded files as attachments"],"If the reservation form collects one or more file from the customer, you can enable or disable the inclusion of those files as email attachments.":["If the reservation form collects one or more file from the customer, you can enable or disable the inclusion of those files as email attachments."],"A new reservation":["A new reservation"],"You just got a new reservation!":["You just got a new reservation!"],"An email notification will be sent to the customer after a booking is made.":["An email notification will be sent to the customer after a booking is made."],"Your reservation is confirmed":["Your reservation is confirmed"],"Thanks for your reservation!":["Thanks for your reservation!"],"Create a Zoom Meeting":["Create a Zoom Meeting"],"Automatically create a Zoom Meeting after a reservation is made.":["Automatically create a Zoom Meeting after a reservation is made."],"It will be displayed at the top of the time slots list or reservation form for unscheduled services.":["It will be displayed at the top of the time slots list or reservation form for unscheduled services."],"If you use HTML content, please consider the fact that it will observe the stylesheet of your theme and other plugins, so the result may differ from what you see in the editor.":["If you use HTML content, please consider the fact that it will observe the stylesheet of your theme and other plugins, so the result may differ from what you see in the editor."],"Direct provider for assignment":["Direct provider for assignment"],"How to treat discarded available slots":["How to treat discarded available slots"],"Choose how to handle available slots that are discarded due to overlapping settings.":["Choose how to handle available slots that are discarded due to overlapping settings."],"Don't show":["Don't show"],"Show them as booked":["Show them as booked"],"Location":["Location"],"Choose how to set the location for this service. If a location is provided, it will be displayed in the frontend with directions and a map, unless specified otherwise.":["Choose how to set the location for this service. If a location is provided, it will be displayed in the frontend with directions and a map, unless specified otherwise."],"No location":["No location"],"Inherited from the booking form Address field":["Inherited from the booking form Address field"],"Assigned location":["Assigned location"],"Location visibility":["Location visibility"],"Choose whether the location should be visible in the frontend. If you choose to hide the location from the frontend, it will still be visible in the backend and can be used, for example, in email templates.":["Choose whether the location should be visible in the frontend. If you choose to hide the location from the frontend, it will still be visible in the backend and can be used, for example, in email templates."],"Max reservations per user":["Max reservations per user"],"The book button will display the number of reservations remaining for the current user. If the limit is reached, the user will not be able to proceed. Set 0 for no limit.":["The book button will display the number of reservations remaining for the current user. If the limit is reached, the user will not be able to proceed. Set 0 for no limit."],"Choose the name of the service":["Choose the name of the service"],"How payment is required":["How payment is required"],"Online":["Online"],"Customers are required to make an online payment. If no payment is made within the specified pending time, the reservation will be automatically cancelled.":["Customers are required to make an online payment. If no payment is made within the specified pending time, the reservation will be automatically cancelled."],"Local":["Local"],"The plugin will not handle the payment. You should manually set the reservation as \"Paid\" when the payment is done locally.":["The plugin will not handle the payment. You should manually set the reservation as \"Paid\" when the payment is done locally."],"Discretionary":["Discretionary"],"Customers can choose whether to pay online or pay later/locally.":["Customers can choose whether to pay online or pay later/locally."],"Buffer configuration":["Buffer configuration"],"Select how the buffer between time slots should be calculated":["Select how the buffer between time slots should be calculated"],"Always computed between slots":["Always computed between slots"],"The buffer is calculated between both free and booked slots within a container interval. This option is the default and ensures a consistent distribution of slots.":["The buffer is calculated between both free and booked slots within a container interval. This option is the default and ensures a consistent distribution of slots."],"Only computed around booked slots":["Only computed around booked slots"],"The buffer is applied around booked slots. It can cause redistribution of free slots when a new reservation is made.":["The buffer is applied around booked slots. It can cause redistribution of free slots when a new reservation is made."],"Buffer between consecutive slots":["Buffer between consecutive slots"],"Get notified when a customer cancels a reservation for this service that was booked from you":["Get notified when a customer cancels a reservation for this service that was booked from you"],"A reservation was cancelled":["A reservation was cancelled"],"Get notified when someone books this service from you":["Get notified when someone books this service from you"],"Block availability if overlaps with reservations for other services":["Block availability if overlaps with reservations for other services"],"Activate this option to automatically block all other overlapping available slots as soon as one of them is booked.":["Activate this option to automatically block all other overlapping available slots as soon as one of them is booked."],"Block availability if overlaps with personal events":["Block availability if overlaps with personal events"],"Busy events in a personal Google Calendar will block the availability of this service. A personal Google Calendar which is different from the source one, must be set for this to work.":["Busy events in a personal Google Calendar will block the availability of this service. A personal Google Calendar which is different from the source one, must be set for this to work."],"Block availability if overlaps with reservations for the same service":["Block availability if overlaps with reservations for the same service"],"If you are using multiple availability sources for the same service, activating this option will ensure that overlapping availabilities are excluded as soon as a reservation is made. This option is only valid if the sources are not independent.":["If you are using multiple availability sources for the same service, activating this option will ensure that overlapping availabilities are excluded as soon as a reservation is made. This option is only valid if the sources are not independent."],"Event color (booked slot)":["Event color (booked slot)"],"Select a color for the Google Calendar reservation events.":["Select a color for the Google Calendar reservation events."],"Calendar default":["Calendar default"],"Event title (booked slot)":["Event title (booked slot)"],"Provide a title for the Google Calendar reservation events.":["Provide a title for the Google Calendar reservation events."],"New reservation for %s":["New reservation for %s"],"Slots filling":["Slots filling"],"Choose how the slots should be redistributed when a blocking event or a reservation of other services occurs.":["Choose how the slots should be redistributed when a blocking event or a reservation of other services occurs."],"Slots will always observe the original segmentation":["Slots will always observe the original segmentation"],"Adaptive":["Adaptive"],"Slots are adapted to maximize the available times":["Slots are adapted to maximize the available times"],"Add customers as guests of the Google Calendar event":["Add customers as guests of the Google Calendar event"],"If enabled, customers will receive Google notifications based on your Google Calendar settings. Additionally, a copy of the event will be created in their Google Calendars (if they have one), allowing them to view the event description. They will not have access to the guests list.":["If enabled, customers will receive Google notifications based on your Google Calendar settings. Additionally, a copy of the event will be created in their Google Calendars (if they have one), allowing them to view the event description. They will not have access to the guests list."],"In accordance with personal data regulations, it may be necessary to provide customers with a comprehensive disclosure regarding the storage of their data. Additionally, you should ensure the ability to erase such data upon request. Before configuring this option to store customer personal data outside of this site, it is advisable to consult with the site administrator to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.":["In accordance with personal data regulations, it may be necessary to provide customers with a comprehensive disclosure regarding the storage of their data. Additionally, you should ensure the ability to erase such data upon request. Before configuring this option to store customer personal data outside of this site, it is advisable to consult with the site administrator to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines."],"Add reservation on Google Calendar":["Add reservation on Google Calendar"],"If enabled, reservations will be automatically added as events to the designated Google Calendar.":["If enabled, reservations will be automatically added as events to the designated Google Calendar."],"In order for this feature to work, you need to set a destination Google Calendar.":["In order for this feature to work, you need to set a destination Google Calendar."],"Create a Google Meet link":["Create a Google Meet link"],"A Google Meet link will be created after a reservation is made.":["A Google Meet link will be created after a reservation is made."],"Google Calendar event description content":["Google Calendar event description content"],"Specify the content that should be included in the event description of the Google Calendar when a reservation is made.":["Specify the content that should be included in the event description of the Google Calendar when a reservation is made."],"Empty content":["Empty content"],"Customer's name, tickets, email and phone when available":["Customer's name, tickets, email and phone when available"],"Custom content":["Custom content"],"Privacy alert: Please note that the content of the Google Calendar event description may be visible to guests if customers are being added as guests.":["Privacy alert: Please note that the content of the Google Calendar event description may be visible to guests if customers are being added as guests."],"Google Calendar event description custom content":["Google Calendar event description custom content"],"You can use dynamic placeholders.":["You can use dynamic placeholders."],"Do not use HTML content!":["Do not use HTML content!"],"Set a Google Calendar reminder for reserved slot":["Set a Google Calendar reminder for reserved slot"],"No reminder":["No reminder"],"10 minutes before":["10 minutes before"],"30 minutes before":["30 minutes before"],"1 hour before":["1 hour before"],"Drop tickets":["Drop tickets"],"Instead of dropping the slot, reservations made for the same service but in a different availability plan will be treated as if they are on the same plan.":["Instead of dropping the slot, reservations made for the same service but in a different availability plan will be treated as if they are on the same plan."],"Participate":["Participate"],"Turn this off if you want to exclude your availability events from being counted for this service. This can be useful for temporary needs, such as vacations, as it allows you to maintain your availability schedule unchanged.":["Turn this off if you want to exclude your availability events from being counted for this service. This can be useful for temporary needs, such as vacations, as it allows you to maintain your availability schedule unchanged."],"Slot duration":["Slot duration"],"How the duration of a timeslot is defined":["How the duration of a timeslot is defined"],"Inherited from the entire available interval":["Inherited from the entire available interval"],"When reservations should be closed?":["When reservations should be closed?"],"The system will not allow reservations to be made if the event start or end time is closer than the specified timespan.":["The system will not allow reservations to be made if the event start or end time is closer than the specified timespan."],"%d minute before":["%d minute before","%d minutes before"],"%d hour before":["%d hour before","%d hours before"],"%d day before (until midnight)":["%d day before (until midnight)","%d days before (until midnight)"],"Reference time":["Reference time"],"Slot start time":["Slot start time"],"Slot end time":["Slot end time"],"When reservations should be opened?":["When reservations should be opened?"],"When the start time of the time slot is within the specified timespan, the slot will be visible in the frontend.":["When the start time of the time slot is within the specified timespan, the slot will be visible in the frontend."],"Always":["Always"],"Picture":["Picture"],"Provide a picture for the service.":["Provide a picture for the service."],"If zero, won't appear. To change the currency, navigate to the Settings section.":["If zero, won't appear. To change the currency, navigate to the Settings section."],"Redirect":["Redirect"],"If active, the customer will be redirected to the specified URL after a successful reservation for this service. This is meant for tracking conversions.":["If active, the customer will be redirected to the specified URL after a successful reservation for this service. This is meant for tracking conversions."],"About payments: when redirect is active, the immediate and later payment settings will work just fine, while discretion payment setting will not, so no payment option will be presented to the customer after the reservation in this case.":["About payments: when redirect is active, the immediate and later payment settings will work just fine, while discretion payment setting will not, so no payment option will be presented to the customer after the reservation in this case."],"Send reminder email":["Send reminder email"],"Reminders are sent using the WordPress Cron system, which relies on site visits to trigger the scheduled events. If your site has low traffic, there may be delays or the reminders may not be sent at all.":["Reminders are sent using the WordPress Cron system, which relies on site visits to trigger the scheduled events. If your site has low traffic, there may be delays or the reminders may not be sent at all."],"%d day before":["%d day before","%d days before"],"Don't forget your reservation":["Don't forget your reservation"],"We are getting close!":["We are getting close!"],"Short text to describe the service":["Short text to describe the service"],"Show booked slots":["Show booked slots"],"Show map":["Show map"],"By default, a location map is displayed. However, you can change this setting to hide the map if it is not needed.":["By default, a location map is displayed. However, you can change this setting to hide the map if it is not needed."],"Show provider name":["Show provider name"],"Show provider profile page link":["Show provider profile page link"],"When enabled, the provider name will be displayed as a hyperlink that leads to the provider's profile page. To set the profile page for each provider, navigate to WordPress > Users > Edit > Website.":["When enabled, the provider name will be displayed as a hyperlink that leads to the provider's profile page. To set the profile page for each provider, navigate to WordPress > Users > Edit > Website."],"Show slot customers":["Show slot customers"],"Choose whether to display a list of the attendees or not, and which data it should include":["Choose whether to display a list of the attendees or not, and which data it should include"],"Show names":["Show names"],"Show email":["Show email"],"Show names and email":["Show names and email"],"Please carefully consider any privacy-related implications":["Please carefully consider any privacy-related implications"],"Show start/end times":["Show start/end times"],"Show start/end":["Show start/end"],"Hide":["Hide"],"Show start time only":["Show start time only"],"Let Service Providers decide":["Let Service Providers decide"],"Time slot capacity":["Time slot capacity"],"Max user tickets per slot":["Max user tickets per slot"],"The maximum number of tickets that a customer is allowed to book for a single slot. 0 means up to the maximum available tickets.":["The maximum number of tickets that a customer is allowed to book for a single slot. 0 means up to the maximum available tickets."],"Keep available until approval":["Keep available until approval"],"Activate this option if you want to keep the slot/tickets available for other reservations, until a reservation gets approved.":["Activate this option if you want to keep the slot/tickets available for other reservations, until a reservation gets approved."],"Activating this option could lead to overbooking":["Activating this option could lead to overbooking"],"Available slot color":["Available slot color"],"Background color":["Background color"],"Border color":["Border color"],"Border radius":["Border radius"],"Border size":["Border size"],"Total number of available slots":["Total number of available slots"],"Total number of available tickets":["Total number of available tickets"],"Service name":["Service name"],"Service name + total number of available slots":["Service name + total number of available slots"],"Service name + total number of available tickets":["Service name + total number of available tickets"],"Hide the dots":["Hide the dots"],"Numbered dots meaning":["Numbered dots meaning"],"Select what the number inside the dots represents.":["Select what the number inside the dots represents."],"Numbered dots threshold":["Numbered dots threshold"],"Numbers inside the dots are not displayed when their value is below this threshold.":["Numbers inside the dots are not displayed when their value is below this threshold."],"Default style":["Default style"],"Google Maps Style":["Google Maps Style"],"Do you want more styles or even create your own style? Just set this to \"Default style\", then install the SnazzyMaps WordPress plugin.":["Do you want more styles or even create your own style? Just set this to \"Default style\", then install the SnazzyMaps WordPress plugin."],"Map zoom level":["Map zoom level"],"Primary widget color":["Primary widget color"],"Booked slot color":["Booked slot color"],"Skip Google Maps library loading":["Skip Google Maps library loading"],"Enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with the Google Maps JS library being loaded by another plugin or theme.":["Enable this setting if you are experiencing issues with the Google Maps JS library being loaded by another plugin or theme."],"Providers sorting order":["Providers sorting order"],"This determines the sorting order of service providers during the selection step.":["This determines the sorting order of service providers during the selection step."],"Services sorting order":["Services sorting order"],"This determines the sorting order of services during the selection step.":["This determines the sorting order of services during the selection step."],"Enable Caching":["Enable Caching"],"If enabled, the plugin will utilize the existing caching system to improve loading times.":["If enabled, the plugin will utilize the existing caching system to improve loading times."],"Disabling caching can significantly impact the overall speed of the plugin. Only disable caching if you are encountering problems with your current caching system.":["Disabling caching can significantly impact the overall speed of the plugin. Only disable caching if you are encountering problems with your current caching system."],"WP API nonce expired, please refresh the page.":["WP API nonce expired, please refresh the page."],"Generic error":["Generic error"],"All times are local":["All times are local"],"Add":["Add"],"Cancel":["Cancel"],"This is an administrative panel":["This is an administrative panel"],"Form conditionals and requirements will not be applied. All the fields are displayed, all the values are allowed.":["Form conditionals and requirements will not be applied. All the fields are displayed, all the values are allowed."],"Clear this field if you wish to create a new customer, based on the provided email address.":["Clear this field if you wish to create a new customer, based on the provided email address."],"This is required":["This is required"],"Please insert a valid email address":["Please insert a valid email address"],"Time":["Time"],"Add reservation":["Add reservation"],"%d out of %d":["%d out of %d"],"Booked":["Booked"],"Available":["Available"],"Map the customer to a WordPress user":["Map the customer to a WordPress user"],"Do not map the customer":["Do not map the customer"],"Are you sure?":["Are you sure?"],"Yes":["Yes"],"No":["No"],"Delete":["Delete"],"New API token":["New API token"],"Create new API token":["Create new API token"],"Create":["Create"],"Please input the token name":["Please input the token name"],"If active, API requests made by this token are not allowed to perform write operations.":["If active, API requests made by this token are not allowed to perform write operations."],"Add coupon":["Add coupon"],"Used":["Used"],"Please input the coupon text without white spaces":["Please input the coupon text without white spaces"],"Coupon already present":["Coupon already present"],"Error":["Error"],"There are reservations for this customer":["There are reservations for this customer"],"Registered":["Registered"],"Not registered":["Not registered"],"Inactive":["Inactive"],"Selected %d item":["Selected %d item","Selected %d items"],"Delete %d item":["Delete %d item","Delete %d items"],"All":["All"],"Search...":["Search..."],"Reservations by %s":["Reservations by %s"],"Add a customer":["Add a customer"],"Create a new WordPress user":["Create a new WordPress user"],"Please provide a name":["Please provide a name"],"Please provide a valid email address":["Please provide a valid email address"],"There are services with this location assigned":["There are services with this location assigned"],"New 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If more BUSY events overlap, their UNION will be considered."],"Destination":["Destination"],"If desired, select the calendar in which reservation events should be created for this source.":["If desired, select the calendar in which reservation events should be created for this source."],"Personal":["Personal"],"If desired, select a calendar whose busy events will block availability for this source.":["If desired, select a calendar whose busy events will block availability for this source."],"Independent":["Independent"],"If set as independent, the reservations for the same services derived from other calendars will not block the availability of this calendar.":["If set as independent, the reservations for the same services derived from other calendars will not block the availability of this calendar."],"No services":["No services"],"No destination":["No destination"],"No personal":["No personal"],"Connected as %s":["Connected as %s"],"Disconnect":["Disconnect"],"Connect your Google Account":["Connect your Google Account"],"Authorize":["Authorize"],"Thanks for updating to the latest TeamBooking version!":["Thanks for updating to the latest TeamBooking version!"],"This is the biggest update since the app was born, it brings new features and a complete re-style! It also brings some changes that you need to be aware of.":["This is the biggest update since the app was born, it brings new features and a complete re-style! It also brings some changes that you need to be aware of."],"Show me":["Show me"],"Availability in Google Calendar is changed":["Availability in Google Calendar is changed"],"Before":["Before"],"Sync a Google Calendar.":["Sync a Google Calendar."],"Create events with title = to the name of the service.":["Create events with title = to the name of the service."],"Events are modified after booking.":["Events are modified after booking."],"After":["After"],"Assign one or more services to one or more Google Calendars.":["Assign one or more services to one or more Google Calendars."],"Any event in a calendar will be considered availability for calendar-assigned services, no matter the title.":["Any event in a calendar will be considered availability for calendar-assigned services, no matter the title."],"You may (or may not) choose a destination Google Calendar where new events are created after booking.":["You may (or may not) choose a destination Google Calendar where new events are created after booking."],"Benefits":["Benefits"],"Availability calendars can be hidden from the main Google Calendar view to keep things clean":["Availability calendars can be hidden from the main Google Calendar view to keep things clean"],"Huge flexibility and reliability without messing around with event titles":["Huge flexibility and reliability without messing around with event titles"],"Shared calendars can be used as well":["Shared calendars can be used as well"],"How to adapt":["How to adapt"],"Go to the Availability tab of the plugin and assign the services to one or more of your Google Calendar, as you please.":["Go to the Availability tab of the plugin and assign the services to one or more of your Google Calendar, as you please."],"Hint":["Hint"],"Create new Google Calendars for the availability, keep them separated from your personal Google Calendar.":["Create new Google Calendars for the availability, keep them separated from your personal Google Calendar."],"Back":["Back"],"What else?":["What else?"],"More intuitive step-by-step frontend workflow.":["More intuitive step-by-step frontend workflow."],"Customer selects a day from the calendar.":["Customer selects a day from the calendar."],"A list of time slots are presented, one for each service-provider-time combination":["A list of time slots are presented, one for each service-provider-time combination"],"Customer picks the preferred one.":["Customer picks the preferred one."],"A step-by-step process is shown, to select the service, then the provider, then the time slot.":["A step-by-step process is shown, to select the service, then the provider, then the time slot."],"If configured to do so, the plugin allows the customer to select adjacent slots to extend the reservation time.":["If configured to do so, the plugin allows the customer to select adjacent slots to extend the reservation time."],"Cleaner process, no more crowded time slots.":["Cleaner process, no more crowded time slots."],"Say goodbye to the cart feature, say hi to the more rationale adjacent slots selection!":["Say goodbye to the cart feature, say hi to the more rationale adjacent slots selection!"],"Say Hi to form conditionals!":["Say Hi to form conditionals!"],"Reservation form fields can now be configured to observe some conditional logic!":["Reservation form fields can now be configured to observe some conditional logic!"],"No more strict Google Calendar requirement":["No more strict Google Calendar requirement"],"A weekly schedule based on working hours can be provided per-service, without the need to use Google Calendar!":["A weekly schedule based on working hours can be provided per-service, without the need to use Google Calendar!"],"Great! Take me to the dashboard!":["Great! Take me to the dashboard!"],"Settings and data migration":["Settings and data migration"],"Before going to the dashboard, please choose now if you want to migrate settings and data from the previous version, or if you want to start from scratch.":["Before going to the dashboard, please choose now if you want to migrate settings and data from the previous version, or if you want to start from scratch."],"Migration can be done on a later time as well.":["Migration can be done on a later time as well."],"Migrate settings and data":["Migrate settings and data"],"Start fresh":["Start fresh"],"Save":["Save"],"Subject":["Subject"],"Please provide the email subject":["Please provide the email subject"],"Body":["Body"],"You can use HTML":["You can use HTML"],"Please provide the email content":["Please provide the email content"],"Edit email content":["Edit email content"],"Coupons":["Coupons"],"List of single use coupon codes":["List of single use coupon codes"],"Download":["Download"],"Not provided":["Not provided"],"Date of service":["Date of service"],"Times":["Times"],"Submitted":["Submitted"],"UID (internal)":["UID (internal)"],"Virtual meetings":["Virtual meetings"],"Get data for Zoom meeting ID %s":["Get data for Zoom meeting ID %s"],"Start URL":["Start URL"],"Join URL":["Join URL"],"Password: %s":["Password: %s"],"Status: %s":["Status: %s"],"Join meeting":["Join meeting"],"Event":["Event"],"Create Google Calendar event again":["Create Google Calendar event again"],"Create Google Calendar event":["Create Google Calendar event"],"The event will only be created if the calendar/plan that the reservation was made for has a destination calendar set for it":["The event will only be created if the calendar/plan that the reservation was made for has a destination calendar set for it"],"Form submission details":["Form submission details"],"Applied discounts":["Applied discounts"],"The discount values are based on the time of the reservation and any subsequent changes to a promotion will not be reflected here.":["The discount values are based on the time of the reservation and any subsequent changes to a promotion will not be reflected here."],"System":["System"],"User":["User"],"Confirmation email sent by %s":["Confirmation email sent by %s"],"send again":["send again"],"Confirmation pending":["Confirmation pending"],"Reminder email sent by %s":["Reminder email sent by %s"],"send now":["send now"],"Reminder email pending":["Reminder email pending"],"Cancellation email sent by %s":["Cancellation email sent by %s"],"Refund":["Refund"],"Gateway":["Gateway"],"Amount":["Amount"],"Gateway data":["Gateway data"],"Edit":["Edit"],"Files":["Files"],"This reservation has expired.":["This reservation has expired."],"Editing an expired reservation could lead to overbooking as the spot may have been taken by other reservations.":["Editing an expired reservation could lead to overbooking as the spot may have been taken by other reservations."],"I am aware of the potential risks":["I am aware of the potential risks"],"You are editing the database directly":["You are editing the database directly"],"Changes made here won't send notifications. Use the actions in the reservations table to trigger them.":["Changes made here won't send notifications. Use the actions in the reservations table to trigger them."],"The service will be modified even if there are no available slots for it.":["The service will be modified even if there are no available slots for it."],"Start date time":["Start date time"],"The date will be modified even if there are no available slots for it.":["The date will be modified even if there are no available slots for it."],"End date time":["End date time"],"Payment status":["Payment status"],"Base price":["Base price"],"Reason for cancellation":["Reason for cancellation"],"This is the latest service form available.":["This is the latest service form available."],"If you've made changes to the service form after this reservation was submitted, some information may be missing or different from what the customer originally viewed.":["If you've made changes to the service form after this reservation was submitted, some information may be missing or different from what the customer originally viewed."],"No payment yet":["No payment yet"],"No calendar":["No calendar"],"No locations available.":["No locations available."],"Go to Locations":["Go to Locations"],"Customer's local timezone":["Customer's local timezone"],"Settings in this panel are relative to you only!":["Settings in this panel are relative to you only!"],"Are you sure? This will overwrite their current settings.":["Are you sure? This will overwrite their current settings."],"Apply to all providers":["Apply to all providers"],"Customer was not able to pay within the allowed time. Expired reservations are going to be automatically deleted on a weekly basis, unless the status is manually changed or the reservation is set as paid.":["Customer was not able to pay within the allowed time. Expired reservations are going to be automatically deleted on a weekly basis, unless the status is manually changed or the reservation is set as paid."],"To do":["To do"],"Done":["Done"],"Draft":["Draft"],"Total time: %s":["Total time: %s"],"Add interval":["Add interval"],"Remove interval":["Remove interval"],"Showing from %s":["Showing from %s"],"to %s":["to %s"],"Activity period":["Activity period"],"Excluded dates":["Excluded dates"],"Services to which this availability source is applied.":["Services to which this availability source is applied."],"If set as independent, reservations for the same services derived from other sources will not block the availability of this one.":["If set as independent, reservations for the same services derived from other sources will not block the availability of this one."],"New plan":["New plan"],"Create weekly availability plans. Those plans are in addition (or in alternative) to Google Calendar availability plans.":["Create weekly availability plans. Those plans are in addition (or in alternative) to Google Calendar availability plans."],"Create a new Plan":["Create a new Plan"],"Please provide a name for the plan":["Please provide a name for the plan"],"Weekly plan":["Weekly plan"],"Google Calendar destination":["Google Calendar destination"],"Google Calendar personal":["Google Calendar personal"],"Google integration":["Google integration"],"Discard change":["Discard change"],"Save change":["Save change"],"Edit content":["Edit content"],"Select":["Select"],"Remove":["Remove"],"This file is from a different version.":["This file is from a different version."],"Not a valid JSON file.":["Not a valid JSON file."],"Import":["Import"],"Export":["Export"],"Time left":["Time left"],"Your reservation is expired.":["Your reservation is expired."],"Thank you for the reservation":["Thank you for the reservation"],"To confirm the reservation, please select a payment method.":["To confirm the reservation, please select a payment method."],"Please select a payment method.":["Please select a payment method."],"Amount to pay":["Amount to pay"],"Pay":["Pay"],"Summary":["Summary"],"Book now":["Book now"],"Coupon?":["Coupon?"],"Apply":["Apply"],"Price details":["Price details"],"%s list price":["%s list price"],"X %d ticket =":["X %d ticket =","X %d tickets ="],"Coupon %s ":["Coupon %s "],"Slot %d: %s discount":["Slot %d: %s discount"],"%s discount":["%s discount"],"Total":["Total"],"Coupon applied!":["Coupon applied!"],"Invalid coupon!":["Invalid coupon!"],"Go back":["Go back"],"Reservations for %s number %s":["Reservations for %s number %s"],"Add to calendar":["Add to calendar"],"Reservation ID: %s":["Reservation ID: %s"],"Do you wish to pay online?":["Do you wish to pay online?"],"Select a service":["Select a service"],"Promo price!":["Promo price!"],"starts from":["starts from"],"Upcoming":["Upcoming"],"Promo":["Promo"],"Map cannot be loaded right now, sorry.":["Map cannot be loaded right now, sorry."],"Warning":["Warning"],"Please input":["Please input"],"Validation failed":["Validation failed"],"Select...":["Select..."],"Upload":["Upload"],"Max file size is %d MB, this file is %d MB":["Max file size is %d MB, this file is %d MB"],"Next":["Next"],"%s left":["%s left"],"Get directions":["Get directions"],"%s or %s to book this service":["%s or %s to book this service"],"Login":["Login"],"Register":["Register"],"Promo available!":["Promo available!"],"Select a provider":["Select a provider"],"Select one or more adjacent timeslots":["Select one or more adjacent timeslots"],"Select a timeslot":["Select a timeslot"],"Local times in %s":["Local times in %s"],"This timeslot is not adjacent to the others!":["This timeslot is not adjacent to the others!"],"Pay %s":["Pay %s"],"Join Zoom meeting":["Join Zoom meeting"],"Join Google Meet":["Join Google Meet"],"Please tell us the reason":["Please tell us the reason"],"Whoops":["Whoops"],"Success":["Success"],"Starts from %s":["Starts from %s"],"%d available":["%d available"],"Sold out":["Sold out"],"Form field validation regex\u0004Email":["Email"],"Form field validation regex\u0004URL":["URL"],"Form field label\u0004Email":["Email"],"Form field label\u0004First name":["First name"],"Form field label\u0004Last name":["Last name"],"Form field label\u0004User URL":["User URL"],"block title\u0004TheBooking widget":["TheBooking widget"],"block description\u0004Displays the booking widget":["Displays the booking widget"],"block keyword\u0004tbk-booking":["tbk-booking"],"block keyword\u0004thebooking":["thebooking"],"block keyword\u0004teambooking":["teambooking"],"block keyword\u0004calendar":["calendar"],"block keyword\u0004reservations":["reservations"]}}} );
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